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The Full Story

Music daycare

We decided to create a complete program for children that has more benefits than just babysitting.​​

In the music daycare, children are involved in various musical and launguage activities designed to promote their overall development.

  • For children from 3 to 7 years of age

  • The program is carried out Mon - Fri in two shifts (8 - 12 & 14 - 18 or by arrangement)

  • The enrollment quota is limited to 10 children

  • Before enrolling, you need to fill out our form (the link is in the next entry) and hold a parents' meeting


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Program includes

Some common activities and their benefits include:

  • Singing: Singing helps children improve their language and communication skills, memory and pronunciation. It also encourages self-expression and boosts self-confidence.

  • Playing musical instruments: Learning to play instruments improves fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and concentration. It also introduces the basic concepts of rhythm, pitch and melody.

  • Movement and dance: Dancing to music improves gross motor skills, balance and coordination. It allows children to physically express emotions and enhances their sense of rhythm.

  • Listening to music: Listening to different types of music helps develop auditory discrimination and language comprehension. It also stimulates creativity and imagination.

  • Integrating music and language: Combining music with language learning improves cognitive abilities, memory retention and pronunciation. It introduces children to new cultures and broadens their horizons.

  • Group Activities: Participating in group musical activities encourages social skills, teamwork and cooperation. It creates a sense of belonging and strengthens friendships.

  • Improvisation and creativity: Encouraging children to improvise and create their own music develops their creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

What for?

Why is the music daycare useful for children's development?

  • Cognitive development: Music stimulates different parts of the brain, improving cognitive skills such as memory, attention and reasoning. It lays a strong foundation for future academic learning.

  • Emotional Development: Music provides an outlet for children to express their feelings and emotions in a safe and constructive way. It encourages their emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

  • Social skills: Playing music with peers encourages cooperation, empathy and communication. It helps children build friendships and develop social confidence.

  • Language skills: Integrating music with language learning improves vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. It supports multilingualism and promotes a deeper understanding of different cultures.

  • Physical development: Playing musical instruments and engaging in dance activities improve motor skills, coordination and physical fitness.

  • Creativity and Imagination: Music encourages creativity and encourages children to think outside the box. It nurtures their imagination and encourages their love for art.

  • Building self-confidence: Performing in front of an audience, even a small one, boosts children's self-esteem and confidence in their abilities.

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In short, music daycare and kindergarten offers a wholesome approach to early childhood development nurturing cognitive, emotional, social and physical aspects.

It lays the foundation for a lifelong love of music, encourages creativity and nurtures well-rounded individuals.

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